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About Me

Being passionate about game development, I enjoyed the process of resolving issues when it comes to projects, proposing and brainstorming ideas and solutions to solve problems to progress further on various milestones.


As a game developer, I explored various roles, scripting, 3D modelling/animation, 2D art/animation, game design and level design. However, I enjoyed the process of level design the most, plotting out how players are going to traverse the levels like imagining myself, interacting with objects including literally walking around in my work area to simulate myself and generating ideas on what possible actions, events, and objects to be planned.


Whenever I have free time, I enjoy cycling, trying out new ideas whenever time permits, troubleshooting problems as much as I can whenever I encountered any, tinkering with electronics/computer parts, learning new stuff that piqued my interest, developing games, playing games, cosplay and crafting props.

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